Aging. Graciously. Gracefully. Gratefully.
All three, I hope. But I chose "graciously" for the name of my blog. Here's why.
Words come to me too easily, and I too often spend them wantonly — like a certain billionaire who buys social media platforms. But words — even single ones — can be packed with the pow of cherry bomb and the nuance of the nose to my favorite chardonnay.
Even when uttered innocently, they can have a relationship-wrecking effect, like the text that once estranged my child. At the same time they can be a balm, as when I address my sweetheart as “beloved” as often as possible.
And so I gave much thought to the name for this space. The “aging” part came easily. I wanted a subject I knew, although, at nearly 70, I’m learning it a little too intimately for my liking. Then I considered its companions, like “gratefully” and “gracefully.” While I’ve been blessed and am trying to move through my advancing years with gratitude, I can’t say I’m clicking my heels all the time either (as if I could anymore). And I can’t say I’m facing mortality with a constant attitude that reflects the smooth moves of my 70-something pal, the Silver Fox, who’s been winning state and national ballroom dancing championships.
“Graciously,” however, means “in a courteous, kind, and pleasant manner.” Sure, once in a while I’ll pitch a bitch of frustration because, say, I have to pack a ton of meds for a prolonged trip, or I can’t see where the screwdriver goes into the Phillips head. Still, I want to pass this time in my life with civility, cheer, and humor — to my family, my friends, and you, dear reader.
I hope you do too, and I hope you’ll find this ongoing conversation compelling enough to join it with your own pleasantry.
So let me know: What do you think of the name?